Magnum Tonic Wine (Case x24)


Magnum Tonic Wine is an alcoholic brew made in Jamaica. It is named after a dance hall band. Magnum Tonic Wine is a fermented mead drink that contains vitamins and is known to provide energy and sexual vitality.



Magnum Tonic Wine contains 100 percent natural ingredients. The composition of Magnum Tonic Wine is a mixture of herbs, mead and tonic. The flavor has been compared to ginseng, but with a syrupy sweetness. Magnum Tonic Wine has and infusion of vitamins, notably iron and B12.

The wine is a title sponsor for Jamaica’s first televised dance hall show called “The Magnum Kings & Queens of Dance Hall Competition,” which began in 2007. The drink’s association with the dance-hall culture has branded it as being the drink of Urban societies in the Caribbean.